Tuesday, June 2, 2009

NECCM unveils new building, exhibits!

On May 15, 2009, over 300 members, exhibitors, and invited guests attended the Grand Opening of the Northeast Classic Car Museum's (NECCM) new building. Local vendors graciously provided samples of their food specialties in the Museum's newly expanded event space.

The new exhibit space currently boasts a limited-time display of "Antique Tractors" – 16 restored workhorses dating from the turn of the century through 1967. The Museum's collection of Franklins, the largest in the world, found a new home in the building as well. Joining the air-cooled beauties already on exhibit are a 1909 Touring model, and a 1934 Airman Sedan – one of the last known Franklins ever built.

The new building, which adjoins the previous Museum buildings, was donated to NECCM by Harold Ray. Formerly the site of the Bennett-Ireland company, the building was renovated thanks to generous contributions from local corporate, foundation, and individual donors. In collaboration with the Chenango County Historical Society (CCHS), a section of the restored building has been dedicated to "A Tribute to Bennett-Ireland", which features the products and history of one of Norwich's largest manufacturers. Also provided by the CCHS is an exhibit of vintage clothing, beautifully displayed throughout the Museum.

NECCM unveiled a new "Post-War Era" exhibit, which features over 30 examples of vehicles from 1946-1967. The Museum's other exhibits also got a fresh look, thanks to the additional 30,000 square feet of exhibit space. In all, nearly 150 vehicles are displayed at the Museum, along with vintage airplane engines, informative videos, and much more!

Located in Norwich, NY, the Museum is open 9am-5pm daily, with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. Contact NECCM at 607-334-AUTO (2886) or at info@classiccarmuseum.org for more information.

Have you seen the new building and exhibits? Let others know what you think!